Season 5 // Episode 5: Storytelling

The peoples of the Mesa Verde region and their descendants have found meaning and guidance in the stars for thousands of years. Storytelling is a big part of the descendants’ lives still today. The stars, moon, and sun are key elements of those stories, and their movement through the sky determine when certain stories are told throughout the year.

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Season 5 // Episode 3: Moon Watching

Our Moon has a consistent and predictable cycle that repeats every month in the same way that it has for billions of years! But this cycle is more than the 29.5-day pattern of lunar phases. In this episode, we’ll hear about the ways humans have tracked the monthly lunar cycle, as well as the lunar standstill, and the significance that eclipses have for descendants of the Mesa Verde region today.

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Season 4 // Episode 5: Where Did They Go?

In this final episode of season four, we're going to talk about the myth that first drew European descendant people to these desert canyons just a few centuries ago - where did the people of Mesa Verde go? Why did they move on? And, why is this myth that they vanished from their ancestral homelands so damaging to descendant communities today?

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Season 4 // Episode 4: What is Rock Art?

The rock art in the Southwest is as iconic to the region as the cliff dwellings themselves. From animal shapes to handprints to intricate spirals, these petroglyphs and pictographs adorn the landscape, leaving messages from hundreds and thousands of years in the past. What do these symbols mean?

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